fear was quiet,
she kept to herself. she was the type of girl people read books about.
fear wore a cross necklace every day
but she didn't believe in god.

because she never knew when her feet might get cold.
she wore 3 rings
but she would never put them on her middle finger.
and she never let her feet hang off the side of the bed.
her family motto was "live to the fullest"
they thought it was clever because their last name was ful.
on her phone at family reunions,
head down in the hallways,
by herself in the lunchroom,
windows down but no music playing in the parking lot.
fear was never the type of person to believe in love,
her wallpaper on her phone proved it.
and she believed that anyone would lose their mind trying to understand hers.
but he was the type of person to call take out for her,
only every other time.
he forced her into thinking those monsters were inside her head,
not under her bed.
she started to believe that it was okay to go barefoot,
it was okay to take the sheets off for once.
fear learned that it was okay to outgrow people.
she looked for him in the hallways,
invited him to family reunions,
and fear made sure to blast her music so loud in the parking lot because she knew he would hear.
he taught her in ways no teacher could,
he loved her in ways no mother could.

fear changed.
fear disappeared.
fear moved away,
and she changed her last name to less.