until daylight apologizes

by - 6:09 PM

we've managed to connect stars into constellations
and feelings into words

and we've memorized the night sky 
based upon the location of the north star

and we are all moving,

we are running back home to tell everyone about our 
trip to paris. 

but just remember,

wherever you are, i am too
just put your thumb to the moon

and even though the sun returns too soon,
darkness comes back. 

aquarius, orion, cornelia boom, harold miner
up there already.

they're reminders always above our heads,
of the six feet beneath our own

but i hope that someday, 
we will live among the skies too

so the next time you look at the stars,
know they look back 

making constellations of us too.

Brooklyn Chase 

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  1. you have been one of the best since day 1. love you and your blog. such a gift you have.

  2. you're amazing brooklyn. simply amazing

  3. Honestly everything you write is insane. Freaking unreal.

  4. I really will never understand how you come up with your words but Im so grateful for them cause they are so very amazing!

  5. So amazing.

    I love how much you love to write. Never stop doing what you're doing, you are so talented girl.

  6. This is so amazing! You're a great writer and your blog is fantastic! You are so talented

  7. Wow, you have a way with words. You and your blog are amazing.

  8. So amazing. Your writing is an inspiration

  9. you're so good I love your blog

  10. Mahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hey chase me know who you are now! HA! HA! Nip for the win!

  11. I have always loved your blog so much. you are so talented. keep writing.

    also, thank you for you kind comments. they go a long way.

  12. this whole post is golden and your words are just....
    i dont know.

    but it's good.

  13. "so the next time you look at the stars,
    know they look back

    making constellations of us too."

    clever. I like that.

  14. your reveal was one of the most anticipated events for the last four months of my life. and it did not disappoint. not in the slightest.

  15. This post is so beautiful and flawless

    And perfect poetry.

    Great bloggggg

  16. Well you're amazing!! Your blog is amazing! And wow!

  17. WOW. I really liked this poem, and now feel guilty for not having read your blog enough. You have really unique writing, and it's amazing. Next time you go to the SLAM meeting get up and share!!:)

  18. This reveal was incredible. Such good writing and you have such a good blog. And you sound like such a good person too :)

  19. I absolutely love your blog! It's been one of my favorite ones to read all year... Like seriously, such a fan! Your reveal was amazing!!

  20. "so the next time you look at the stars,
    know they look back

    making constellations of us too."
    Love this you're amazing

  21. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing your beautiful words.

  22. "just put your thumb to the moon" #stolen
