
by - 3:04 PM

i miss it. 
i miss not caring.

but i don't have to care.

sure, yeah, it's easier as a child.
it's easier to fall and scrape your knee,
get food all over your face,
color outside of the lines,
when you're a kid.

easier to imagine yourself as the next batman,
or a firefighter,
or an astronaut. 

easier not to care what you get on your math test,
or vocabulary quiz,
or who you sit by at lunch.

easier to color the skies yellow, 
the faces blue, 
the grass purple. 

we are all given a box of crayons in kindergarten.

but now we have to buy ball point pens and mechanical pencils.

go get yourself some crayons.

not highlighters.

not sharpies.


treat yourself to a sixty four pack. 

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