
by - 5:48 PM

why are we always waiting for the big changes?

why do we hang on to the blacks?

the whites?

why not get excited about the greys.

get excited about the little things.
the small details.

get excited about
the new outfit you're gonna wear for the first time,
the thursday fourth period roxberry runs,
when you get to the last page,
the penny you find by your tire,
make it lucky.

get excited about 
the new cute guy in your class,
or the new cute girl,
the meal you've been waiting for your mom to make,
the text back. 

get excited about anything that makes you remotely happy because as you grow up, passions fade and enthusiasm gets mistaken for foolishness.  

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  1. loved this. made me happy just reading.

  2. so good, 'why not get excited about the greys'
    well said!

  3. i love everything about this post. (Gray is my second favorite color so that made it even better).

  4. This is the truest thing I've ever read
